These new leaderships are sociologically close to the Broad Last Database Front and also reflect the rise of new groups of feminist Last Database women. In fact, the Chilean PC is one of the few cases of a communist party in the West that, without giving up its identity, managed to renew itself in generational terms, but also in terms of gender. It is possible that the position of the Last Database Broad Front in the Constitutional Convention, where it works in coordination with the PS and more than with the PC, anticipates something of what is to come: its place as a pivot between the left of the PC and the center-left.
In his Last Database campaign, Boric must have looked more like Bachelet than Salvador Allende. In the end, the "blowout" did not mean a turn to the traditional left or a longing for the past, and that is why the new president's challenge will be to be able to Last Database carry forward the banners of social transformation, especially that of a fairer country, but without overacting. Boric captured in his campaign —which in the Last Database second round penetrated the moderate electorate— that there is more of “relative frustration” in.
The demands for Last Database change than longing for the Allende era, With a government of Jair Bolsonaro increasingly unpopular, the defeat of Kast, an ally of Vox and other global reactionary forces, also constitutes a brake on the extreme right in the region. With Last Database Boric in Chile, the Latin American left adds a new president —and there are those who already place Brazil and even Colombia in this wake by 2022—. But this "second wave" is Last Database much more heterogeneous than the first and, in general, of less programmatic intensity. Faced with a Latin American left worn out after the first "pink tide", from a country like Chile —more institutionalized than others in the region.
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